OAMtech works closely with organizations, like the National League of Cities, to identify expert resources and engage them in the development of innovative solutions designed to meet the priority cyber security challenges of NLC member cities and their critical infrastructure partners. An example of this approach is the Collective Cyber Defense Program that upskills incumbent city employees and certifies them as Cyber Analysts. These analysts work collaboratively on a common platform with analysts across the country to provide a collective defense.
Conventional cybersecurity strategies are becoming obsolete in the face of state-sponsored quantum computing threats. Governmental and commercial policy leaders are struggling to address this emerging type of threat to both their data security and their operational stability. Perhaps most existential are the consequences of such intrusions into our critical infrastructure like power, water and financial systems.
OAMtech and its partners are providing the guidance to management and the skill development to their IT teams to secure their organizations from these threats.
We help prepare emerging solutions for market that integrate data, applications and network methodologies to maintain comprehensive information security and business continuity, even after a breach has occurred.
Faced with a chronic shortage of certified cyber security workforce, we upskill incumbent employees to fill these critical roles. Experience has demonstrated that non-traditional candidates, with highly specialized training, can perform at or above the norm.